Strategic Enablers Dragons' Den Technical Director presenting a Data Cleanse capability. Just one of numerous support services TMS offers.
Copyright © 2024 TMS Support Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved
We comply with the following standards which ensures that we deliver you the highest possible standards of service: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001, DTCT, Cyber Essentials Plus. Our ISO accreditations cover the production and Project Management of the following services: Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) solutions, Technical Documentation, Training (Analysis, Design and Delivery), Safety and Environmental Services, Graphic Design, Electronic data management solutions, Bid Preparation, Translation services, Engineering support.
Accreditations and Standards
A fabulous time presenting to a Dragon's Den comprising MOD Team, Programme and Portfolio Leaders in Land and Strategic Enabler Domains about our Parts Catalogue Data Cleanse capability. We have the capability to extract parts information from your MS Word or PDF parts catalogues, compile a functional data set and automatically check against CSIS to ensure NSNs, Part Numbers and Nomenclature are correct. Following analysis and correction of all identified anomalies, we are able to automatically recompile the parts catalogue, including Numerical Indexes to meet the requirements of Def Stan 00-601 Part 4.

Presenting to an Elite MOD Dragons Den Audience At MOD Abbeywood

A fabulous time presenting to a Dragon's Den comprising MOD Team, Programme and Portfolio Leaders in Land and Strategic Enabler Domains about our Parts Catalogue Data Cleanse capability. We have the capability to extract parts information from your MS Word or PDF parts catalogues, compile a functional data set and automatically check against CSIS to ensure NSNs, Part Numbers and Nomenclature are correct. Following analysis and correction of all identified anomalies, we are able to automatically recompile the parts catalogue, including Numerical Indexes to meet the requirements of Def Stan 00-601 Part 4.
Strategic Enablers Dragons' Den Technical Director presenting a Data Cleanse capability. Just one of numerous support services TMS offers.
Copyright © 2024 TMS Support Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved
We comply with the following standards which ensures that we deliver you the highest possible standards of service: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001, DTCT, Cyber Essentials Plus. Our ISO accreditations cover the production and Project Management of the following services: Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) solutions, Technical Documentation, Training (Analysis, Design and Delivery), Safety and Environmental Services, Graphic Design, Electronic data management solutions, Bid Preparation, Translation services, Engineering support.
Accreditations and Standards
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Presenting to an Elite MOD Dragons Den Audience At MOD Abbeywood