Accurate scoping of the task and therefore pricing of the service cannot be provided until the source information is extracted from MS Word or MS Excel, verified for accuracy and numerical format, loaded into the TMS Data Cleanse database and an initial analysis conducted to identify the total number of individual items/parts/NSNs to be checked against CSIS.The following paragraphs, based on a Land platform, explain in further detail.The Land platform AESP Category 711 comprises 5,468 pages. By halving this page count to cater for an illustration every other page and multiplying that half page count by 20 listed items/parts/NSNs per page (based upon empirical data), it provided an estimated 2,734 pages to be processed with an estimated spared items count of 54,680 items (2,734 X 20).Further analysis following data upload into the Data Cleanse database, revealed that there are only 40,000 listed items; of which some items/parts/NSNs are used multiple times (duplicate items). Removing the duplicate items, to a single incidence of each, brought the number of individual items for checking against CSIS down to 16,709 individual items - a 69.4% reduction from the estimated 54,680 items as used in our initial assessment.Note: We have defined a unique individual item as being a NSN and part number pairing and not just the NSN or just the part number.The reduction in the number of items to check on the Land platform alone is provided for clarity in the table below:Table 1 – Platform 1 Estimated Scope VS Accurate Item Count AnalysisFamily PlanningSince Individual platforms also form part of a family of platforms from a single manufacturer, further efficiencies can be had by identifying common use items/parts/NSNs across numerous platforms prior to conducting the CSIS check. This is tabled below by way of explanation:Table 2 – 4 Platforms grouped as a Family Individual Items CountHaving loaded all four Platforms into the database we were able to identify common items and remove duplicate items to a single instance across all four platforms to quantify the fleet’s total number of individual items to be checked against CSIS.Table 3 – Combined Family Planning Scope ReductionSUMMARYTo summarise, there are significant efficiency gains to be had using an accurate method of calculating the item count and therefore the scope of this task when combining families of platforms/equipment. However, to arrive at an accurate scope and therefore cost, it does require up front work on behalf of TMS to undertake the initial data verification, load and unique items analysis.Based upon the initial calculations of the combined Platform fleet comprising 18,018 Parts Catalogue pages, half of which comprise 20 items per page (estimated 180,180 total number of items) we can reduce the scope of requirement to conduct the initial data verification, upload, CSIS check and the production of an Anomalies Report from the initial anticipated item count of 180,180 items down to 36,776 items, a reduction of 79.5% in real terms to the overall scope of the combined Data Cleanse task.Note: The more information we can upload into the Data Cleanse capability, the less we will need to check CSIS for accuracy and further efficiency gains can be made.
ADDITIONAL OPTION CAPABILITYThefollowingservicesaredeemedoptionaltothebaselineserviceprovisionwhichislimitedtothereceiptandverificationofdata,datainput and a single CSIS check accompanied by an Anomalies Report in MS Excel format:Parts Catalogue Update (Electronic file copy)Consistency CheckData Interrogation/ReuseConversion of PDF to MS Word and Validation of OutputManaged Service and Web Portal
Accurate scoping of the task and therefore pricing of the service cannot be provided until the source information is extracted from MS Word or MS Excel, verified for accuracy and numerical format, loaded into the TMS Data Cleanse database and an initial analysis conducted to identify the total number of individual items/parts/NSNs to be checked against CSIS.The following paragraphs, based on a Land platform, explain in further detail.The Land platform AESP Category 711 comprises 5,468 pages. By halving this page count to cater for an illustration every other page and multiplying that half page count by 20 listed items/parts/NSNs per page (based upon empirical data), it provided an estimated 2,734 pages to be processed with an estimated spared items count of 54,680 items (2,734 X 20).Further analysis following data upload into the Data Cleanse database, revealed that there are only 40,000 listed items; of which some items/parts/NSNs are used multiple times (duplicate items). Removing the duplicate items, to a single incidence of each, brought the number of individual items for checking against CSIS down to 16,709 individual items - a 69.4% reduction from the estimated 54,680 items as used in our initial assessment.Note: We have defined a unique individual item as being a NSN and part number pairing and not just the NSN or just the part number.The reduction in the number of items to check on the Land platform alone is provided for clarity in the table below:Table 1 – Platform 1 Estimated Scope VS Accurate Item Count AnalysisFamily PlanningSince Individual platforms also form part of a family of platforms from a single manufacturer, further efficiencies can be had by identifying common use items/parts/NSNs across numerous platforms prior to conducting the CSIS check. This is tabled below by way of explanation:Table 2 – 4 Platforms grouped as a Family Individual Items CountHaving loaded all four Platforms into the database we were able to identify common items and remove duplicate items to a single instance across all four platforms to quantify the fleet’s total number of individual items to be checked against CSIS.Table 3 – Combined Family Planning Scope ReductionSUMMARYTo summarise, there are significant efficiency gains to be had using an accurate method of calculating the item count and therefore the scope of this task when combining families of platforms/equipment. However, to arrive at an accurate scope and therefore cost, it does require up front work on behalf of TMS to undertake the initial data verification, load and unique items analysis.Based upon the initial calculations of the combined Platform fleet comprising 18,018 Parts Catalogue pages, half of which comprise 20 items per page (estimated 180,180 total number of items) we can reduce the scope of requirement to conduct the initial data verification, upload, CSIS check and the production of an Anomalies Report from the initial anticipated item count of 180,180 items down to 36,776 items, a reduction of 79.5% in real terms to the overall scope of the combined Data Cleanse task.Note: The more information we can upload into the Data Cleanse capability, the less we will need to check CSIS for accuracy and further efficiency gains can be made.
ADDITIONAL OPTION CAPABILITYThefollowingservicesaredeemedoptionaltothebaseline serviceprovisionwhichislimitedtothereceiptand verificationofdata,datainputandasingleCSIScheck accompanied by an Anomalies Report in MS Excel format:Parts Catalogue Update (Electronic file copy)Consistency CheckData Interrogation/ReuseConversion of PDF to MS Word and Validation of OutputManaged Service and Web Portal